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sefuo last won the day on January 18 2022

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  1. You will receive the role "Verified" Should be placed under your name.
  2. Hmm i might need to make one, imma beat both of you lol.
  3. Premium intro my man.
  4. shesh aight hows the pricing ?
  5. Thank you both, hopefully I can test the PUBG once it's online
  6. Hi there I asking where do you guys buy your EFT accounts ? Would be nice to know.
  7. REVIEW Visuals The visuals is everything you can ask for from HM, it displays things very clearly like prices on the items and names. Very easy to see and understand, quite few filters and options you can make. It's very outstanding from other providers. Aimbot Very accurate both in close range and long range, it does deliver precise shots. I wouldn't really use it if ur streaming with friends or anything sharing related, it would give away that ur cheating. Otherwise its completly fine when playing alone. Aimbot has ability to customize to your liking, including (fov, smoothness, keys). Performance The perfomance is just amazing, of course there would be some fps drop but we are looking at 1-2% of your total. Never experience crashes or bugs. It will give you a smooth gameplay for sure without any major down sides. Misc / Bonus One of the best feature for sure is (No recoil & No sway). Not only does it gives you a big advantage but also helps you stay fairly legit when playing with others. For me this is one of the greatest feature, also we cannot forget infinite stamina which is a crazy feature for escaping fights or getting to points. Rating VISUALS: 10/10 AIMBOT: 8/10 PERFORMANCE: 10/10 MISC: 10/10 This is a honest review from an user, hopefully im able to test other products from HM later in the future. Much love from Sefuo
  8. If you still need some realistic preview dm me, I'll be glad to let you have a look.
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