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YungSteven last won the day on September 29 2021

YungSteven had the most liked content!


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Explorer (4/14)

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  1. epic gameplay
  2. trapstar
  3. if you open the menu you should be able to bind a key to activate murder mode, then you just hold down the key when they're in the circle and shoot
  4. Don't know how it is where you live but here in the UK most routers have a landline cable. If you unplug that for around 5 mins and then plug it back in it changes your ip. Some providers let you change it on the admin panel though
  5. masterpiece
  6. lasted 5 months on gta and 1 day on reborn
  7. Thanks mr Jimmy
  8. miss logging on and beaming kids blatantly through smoke
  9. Watch in 1440p
  10. roof camping is like when man has gay sex without pleasure but still take for fun
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