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KGB last won the day on February 8 2023

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  1. KGB


    Just wanted to make the 900th posts lol.
  2. My fault on this one, I said that it could be your GPU, because on some games GPU can be banned too.
  3. Well personally I don't really know many of them, and due to the rules I won't mention names, but they are pretty easy to find, just look up on epvp or discord in general.
  4. I mean a HWID ban can be on something else than your HDD or SSD, it can be your motherboard as well as your GPU, I would recommend you buy a cleaner, and well even if you play blatant, of course, risk zero is not a thing but you will most likely not get banned, or it will take a long period of time before you get banned from the game. I don't know how you are planning to play so I wouldn't be able to say whether you will get banned or not.
  5. Hey, I don't know if you got your answer, but just open a ticket and tell them that your sub has ran out while HackMachine was updating, it should be fine.
  6. You could try using adjusting your visual on HM or maybe try another screen resolution, like borderless or something like that, it might help.
  7. Ah, also might as well just get a one time cleaner for your HWID, because with HM you don't need a spoofer, as you won't get banned.
  8. Hello, there is plenty of independent spoofers out there that you can browse on multiple forums, like epvp. Unfortunately, HachMachine does not come with a built-in spoofer, and they don't offer one in the store either. Hope that helps.
  9. Hi, I want to verify for the program but I don’t know where it is, can someone explain, please? Do I just reply to the message that explains everything about the verification? Do I need to open a ticket? Someone explain please! thanks!
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