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BobI337 last won the day on August 30 2022

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  1. Hello, Here are some areas that can be improved: ESP players: Add KD/Level to have a better understanding if a player is hacking or not. Add tags to scav bosses, rogues, raiders ESP loot: Add loot filter, its such a must have. General features: It'd be nice to have a speedhack feature. However, if this feature makes software more likely to be detected, then it's not worth it.
  2. BobI337

    EFT Review

    Hello, I've been playing with this 'gaming experience enhancer' for couple days now. I'm mostly using ESP + walls. Overall, I'd say it's a good choice for 'legit' gaming. Wanna quest and avoid players, sure! Wanna have more player encounters, also easy! However, I'd like to point out some areas those can be improved. Aimbot I wish it had prediction/trigger. At the current stage, it's a very weak aimbot. 3/10 Loot ESP It's good, but I wish devs added loot filter (please?). 6/10 Player ESP It's okay. Addition of bones/kd/lvl/HS% stats and a better visuals on what a pmc is looking at would've been great (hard to tell if one is peaking at you or not). 5/10 Conclusion: I, personally, will get it again mainly because I don't rage/use aimbot and enjoy 'legit' gaming. Overall: 4.6/10 Thanks
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