I've been playing with this 'gaming experience enhancer' for couple days now. I'm mostly using ESP + walls.
Overall, I'd say it's a good choice for 'legit' gaming. Wanna quest and avoid players, sure! Wanna have more player encounters, also easy!
However, I'd like to point out some areas those can be improved.
I wish it had prediction/trigger. At the current stage, it's a very weak aimbot. 3/10
Loot ESP
It's good, but I wish devs added loot filter (please?). 6/10
Player ESP
It's okay. Addition of bones/kd/lvl/HS% stats and a better visuals on what a pmc is looking at would've been great (hard to tell if one is peaking at you or not). 5/10
I, personally, will get it again mainly because I don't rage/use aimbot and enjoy 'legit' gaming.
Overall: 4.6/10