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Using RAID0 to bypass Battleye HWID bans

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 why should we use Raid0 when playing any Battleye game, I decided to do a write up on:

  • What is a RAID?
  • Why should you use it instead of a spoofer (right now)?
  • How to set it up for both AMD and Intel Systems
  • What else you need to know about EFT specific HWID bans

    1. What is a RAID?

    RAIDS are virtualized data storages combined of at least 2 drives ( SATA SSDs, HDDs, NVMEs ). Instead of using two (or more) drives independently from each other, we are combining them to create an Array, thus one virtualized drive. Why would you do that? The actual purpose of RAIDs is to create as much redundancy as possible to prevent data loss in case of a drive failure. This process is called "mirroring" and is used in many, many servers due to it's reliability. Both drives contain the same, mirrored, data blocks. Everything that gets written to one file block on one drive, is mirrored in the equivalent block of the other one. "Mirroring" is reffered to as RAID1. There are more complex levels but I won't get into that as it's irrelevant for this explanation. 

    In contrary to RAID1, where we want to achieve maximum redundancy, is RAID0. RAID0 basically doesn't give a fuck about redundancy but is rather used for maximizing Read and Write operations. Each drive has different data blocks, which gives us the advantage of not having to wait for a single drive to finish it's work, but having both drives working in paralell, splitting the work. This process is called "Striping". RAID0 is what we are going to use in our case since we want maximum speeeeed.







    2. Why should you use it instead of a spoofer (right now)?

    As many of you know, Anti-Cheats are collecting unique identifiers from different types of your Hardware through User - and Kernelmode.

    Some of them are: GPU UUIDs, Drive Serials, SMBIOs tables, MAC Address, System UUIDs, Registry keys and even Monitor Serials and USB devices etc. 

    Those identifiers are being compared ( as a hash ) everytime you play a game with the respective Anti-Cheat running or even while logging in through some Launchers. Because of them being unique, it's easy for the AC to calculate the chance if a pre-banned HWID is trying to play again on a new account. 

    Trying to maintain and update a spoofer requieres actual reversing skill ( or you just go ahead and paste smth together and sell it on EPVP lol ), since ACs can and will always find new ways for new unique identifiers or traces of a spoofer driver which has been changing HWID related stuff. 

    In conclusion: Spoofers are expensive, mostly unreliable, will cause you more trouble and a significant higher chance of getting banned, if you even find a functioning one that doesn't get you clapped instantly. Never ever use a spoofer on a game where you have not been banned before!

    So why would you use RAID0 for Battleye related games instead? Cause Battleye is stupid and seems to just not care as of yet ( and for a long time ). 

    Without a RAID0 array, the identifiers, such as the unique Serial Numbers, from your physical drives, can easily be grabbed by Battleye and used against you.  

    Here you can see a normal setup without RAID0. Serial Numbers can easily be retreived:


    Where on the other hand this one represents a RAID0 setup with two SSDs combined. Volume ID is irrelevant btw., changes each time you create a new array: 



    When creating a RAID0 array, you can either enter the Serial Number yourself as the name, or your Motherboard / System will handle it for you. Battleye is not able to retreive your Drive Serials this way. Other then EAC for example, this process is enough to prevent you from getting flagged by Battleye for your HWID since they apperently aren't able to recreate / calculate wheter or not your HWID is already flagged.  

    IF you are getting banned, all you have to do is deleting the RAID0 array and reinstall windows completely. No swapping of drives, no software is requiered, no need to worry about detected spoofers.

    If you have another HDD / SSD connceted which works as a stanalone device, separately from the RAID0 array, Battleye will ban you for it, IF you leave it in your system after you have been banned and setup a new RAID0 array! Do not leave any drives in your System after being banned which are not connected in a RAID array! 

    While using a spoofer, eventhough you aren't even banned, for prevention is just stupid, using RAID0 is safe and should be used as a prevention.


    3. How to set it up for both AMD and Intel Systems

    It is important to know that the whole process of getting into the settings might be different on your system since each Motherboard brand has its own BIOS. However, the actual process is the same for every modern AMD system and Intel system. 

    What you need for RAID0: 

  • At least 2 equivalent drives -> e.g. 2 x 500GB SATA SSDs (or NVME, HDD ). If you try to create a RAID0 array with a 1TB SSD and a 500GB SSD, the 500GB SSD will limit the array size of the 1TB SSD. The combined array size is always limited by the smallest SSD. 500GB SSD + 1TB SSD -> 1TB SSD can only add 500GB if its actual size to the array. Always combine equivalent drives!
  • A USB stick
  • You need the actual RAID drivers for you system / chipset because you'll have to load them up on the Windows installation process to be able to install Windows on your RAID0 array.  
    • For AMD users who want to use NVMEs, I highly recommend this instruction PDF: https://www.amd.com/system/files/TechDocs/53987_1.pdf . Scroll down to page 55 to see which driver you need for your processor chipset and generation. I'll come back on that later. ( Difference between NVMe_CC and NVMe_DID )

    How to set it up:

    As I already said, the installation process depends on your CPU, Motherboard and BIOS. I highly recommend searching for "RAID configuration guide [your Motherboard vendor]" to get a detailed instruction.

    For AMD users reffer to: 

  • https://www.amd.com/system/files/TechDocs/53987_1.pdf -> Scroll down to page 54 to see a detailed instruction for the AM4 chipset.

    For Intel users reffer to:

  • https://www.asus.com/support/FAQ/1045089/ -> This process is pretty much the same for every other Motherboard vendor.
  • And this video -> https://youtu.be/UWfB-VkprS8

  • Step 1: Create a Bootable Windows ISO on your USB stick ( same as you'd do if you install Windows again )
  • Step 2: Create a seperate folder on your USB stick which contains the drivers that need to be loaded upon installtion. 
  • Step 3: Load into your BIOS and reffer to enabling and creating the RAID array with the links above. Just leave all of the settings / cache sizes etc. as they are. Keep in mind: When creating a RAID0 array, all of your data will be lost.  
  • Step 4: Start the Windows Installation Process with your Bootable USB stick. Click trought the installer until you reach the point of choosing on which drive you want Windows to be installed to. There won't be any visible drivers, that's normal. Click on "Load drivers" on the left corner. 
    • For Intel users: Navigate to your folder where you saved your driver to and just load the driver.
    • For AMD users: This is important -> You need to load your drivers in a specific order -> 1. rcbottom 2. rcraid 3. rccfg.
  •            After you loaded your drivers,  the RAID array should appear as one disk. Just proceed the installation as you'd normally do. 

    -> Profit. You know have the advantages of the RAID0 setup itself and you have successfully "bypassed" Battleyes HWID bans. 


    What to do after you got banned in a Battleye game:

    All you have to do is repeat the whole process of creating a RAID array through your BIOS and reinstalling Windows again. No need to swap drives or other hardware. https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/1f642.png 


    4. What else you need to know about EFT specific HWID bans

    You've now dealt with Battleye HWID bans, but for EFT there is something else to take care of. 

    The BSG launcher collects its own HWID everytime you login to the Launcher. It can't be bypassed by RAID0 eventhough it's a very simplistic check. Not spoofing this check CAN result in a ban, eventhough these bans are very inconsistent and do not follow any specific logic.    

    What are they collecting?

    They are constructing a hash of several IDs from your Motherboard, CPU, BIOS and the Operating System itself. They are connecting your account to this generated HWID, that's why you need to verify a code which they send to you via E-Mail everytime you would use a spoofer / change Hardware. All of this is done through usermode. If you want to check if your spoofer, if you use one, also handles this check, you can write me a PM.  https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/1f642.png 

    If you want any more info on that, do your own research or message me as I don't know if I am allowed to link / share something like this right here. ^^


    I hope I could help some of you and give a little insight on why a RAID0 array is way better than using any kind of spoofer / constantly buying new Hardware.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask. 


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At least credit the original poster when you're copying and pasting threads from Satan5 dude. Don't know why you're crediting yourself when you obviously didn't write this. 

@GHOST Already posted this guide in the customer area section. 

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2 hours ago, Dreamer said:


 why should we use Raid0 when playing any Battleye game, I decided to do a write up on:

  • What is a RAID?
  • Why should you use it instead of a spoofer (right now)?
  • How to set it up for both AMD and Intel Systems
  • What else you need to know about EFT specific HWID bans

    1. What is a RAID?

    RAIDS are virtualized data storages combined of at least 2 drives ( SATA SSDs, HDDs, NVMEs ). Instead of using two (or more) drives independently from each other, we are combining them to create an Array, thus one virtualized drive. Why would you do that? The actual purpose of RAIDs is to create as much redundancy as possible to prevent data loss in case of a drive failure. This process is called "mirroring" and is used in many, many servers due to it's reliability. Both drives contain the same, mirrored, data blocks. Everything that gets written to one file block on one drive, is mirrored in the equivalent block of the other one. "Mirroring" is reffered to as RAID1. There are more complex levels but I won't get into that as it's irrelevant for this explanation. 

    In contrary to RAID1, where we want to achieve maximum redundancy, is RAID0. RAID0 basically doesn't give a fuck about redundancy but is rather used for maximizing Read and Write operations. Each drive has different data blocks, which gives us the advantage of not having to wait for a single drive to finish it's work, but having both drives working in paralell, splitting the work. This process is called "Striping". RAID0 is what we are going to use in our case since we want maximum speeeeed.







    2. Why should you use it instead of a spoofer (right now)?

    As many of you know, Anti-Cheats are collecting unique identifiers from different types of your Hardware through User - and Kernelmode.

    Some of them are: GPU UUIDs, Drive Serials, SMBIOs tables, MAC Address, System UUIDs, Registry keys and even Monitor Serials and USB devices etc. 

    Those identifiers are being compared ( as a hash ) everytime you play a game with the respective Anti-Cheat running or even while logging in through some Launchers. Because of them being unique, it's easy for the AC to calculate the chance if a pre-banned HWID is trying to play again on a new account. 

    Trying to maintain and update a spoofer requieres actual reversing skill ( or you just go ahead and paste smth together and sell it on EPVP lol ), since ACs can and will always find new ways for new unique identifiers or traces of a spoofer driver which has been changing HWID related stuff. 

    In conclusion: Spoofers are expensive, mostly unreliable, will cause you more trouble and a significant higher chance of getting banned, if you even find a functioning one that doesn't get you clapped instantly. Never ever use a spoofer on a game where you have not been banned before!

    So why would you use RAID0 for Battleye related games instead? Cause Battleye is stupid and seems to just not care as of yet ( and for a long time ). 

    Without a RAID0 array, the identifiers, such as the unique Serial Numbers, from your physical drives, can easily be grabbed by Battleye and used against you.  

    Here you can see a normal setup without RAID0. Serial Numbers can easily be retreived:


    Where on the other hand this one represents a RAID0 setup with two SSDs combined. Volume ID is irrelevant btw., changes each time you create a new array: 



    When creating a RAID0 array, you can either enter the Serial Number yourself as the name, or your Motherboard / System will handle it for you. Battleye is not able to retreive your Drive Serials this way. Other then EAC for example, this process is enough to prevent you from getting flagged by Battleye for your HWID since they apperently aren't able to recreate / calculate wheter or not your HWID is already flagged.  

    IF you are getting banned, all you have to do is deleting the RAID0 array and reinstall windows completely. No swapping of drives, no software is requiered, no need to worry about detected spoofers.

    If you have another HDD / SSD connceted which works as a stanalone device, separately from the RAID0 array, Battleye will ban you for it, IF you leave it in your system after you have been banned and setup a new RAID0 array! Do not leave any drives in your System after being banned which are not connected in a RAID array! 

    While using a spoofer, eventhough you aren't even banned, for prevention is just stupid, using RAID0 is safe and should be used as a prevention.


    3. How to set it up for both AMD and Intel Systems

    It is important to know that the whole process of getting into the settings might be different on your system since each Motherboard brand has its own BIOS. However, the actual process is the same for every modern AMD system and Intel system. 

    What you need for RAID0: 

  • At least 2 equivalent drives -> e.g. 2 x 500GB SATA SSDs (or NVME, HDD ). If you try to create a RAID0 array with a 1TB SSD and a 500GB SSD, the 500GB SSD will limit the array size of the 1TB SSD. The combined array size is always limited by the smallest SSD. 500GB SSD + 1TB SSD -> 1TB SSD can only add 500GB if its actual size to the array. Always combine equivalent drives!
  • A USB stick
  • You need the actual RAID drivers for you system / chipset because you'll have to load them up on the Windows installation process to be able to install Windows on your RAID0 array.  
    • For AMD users who want to use NVMEs, I highly recommend this instruction PDF: https://www.amd.com/system/files/TechDocs/53987_1.pdf . Scroll down to page 55 to see which driver you need for your processor chipset and generation. I'll come back on that later. ( Difference between NVMe_CC and NVMe_DID )

    How to set it up:

    As I already said, the installation process depends on your CPU, Motherboard and BIOS. I highly recommend searching for "RAID configuration guide [your Motherboard vendor]" to get a detailed instruction.

    For AMD users reffer to: 

  • https://www.amd.com/system/files/TechDocs/53987_1.pdf -> Scroll down to page 54 to see a detailed instruction for the AM4 chipset.

    For Intel users reffer to:

  • https://www.asus.com/support/FAQ/1045089/ -> This process is pretty much the same for every other Motherboard vendor.
  • And this video -> https://youtu.be/UWfB-VkprS8

  • Step 1: Create a Bootable Windows ISO on your USB stick ( same as you'd do if you install Windows again )
  • Step 2: Create a seperate folder on your USB stick which contains the drivers that need to be loaded upon installtion. 
  • Step 3: Load into your BIOS and reffer to enabling and creating the RAID array with the links above. Just leave all of the settings / cache sizes etc. as they are. Keep in mind: When creating a RAID0 array, all of your data will be lost.  
  • Step 4: Start the Windows Installation Process with your Bootable USB stick. Click trought the installer until you reach the point of choosing on which drive you want Windows to be installed to. There won't be any visible drivers, that's normal. Click on "Load drivers" on the left corner. 
    • For Intel users: Navigate to your folder where you saved your driver to and just load the driver.
    • For AMD users: This is important -> You need to load your drivers in a specific order -> 1. rcbottom 2. rcraid 3. rccfg.
  •            After you loaded your drivers,  the RAID array should appear as one disk. Just proceed the installation as you'd normally do. 

    -> Profit. You know have the advantages of the RAID0 setup itself and you have successfully "bypassed" Battleyes HWID bans. 


    What to do after you got banned in a Battleye game:

    All you have to do is repeat the whole process of creating a RAID array through your BIOS and reinstalling Windows again. No need to swap drives or other hardware. https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/1f642.png 


    4. What else you need to know about EFT specific HWID bans

    You've now dealt with Battleye HWID bans, but for EFT there is something else to take care of. 

    The BSG launcher collects its own HWID everytime you login to the Launcher. It can't be bypassed by RAID0 eventhough it's a very simplistic check. Not spoofing this check CAN result in a ban, eventhough these bans are very inconsistent and do not follow any specific logic.    

    What are they collecting?

    They are constructing a hash of several IDs from your Motherboard, CPU, BIOS and the Operating System itself. They are connecting your account to this generated HWID, that's why you need to verify a code which they send to you via E-Mail everytime you would use a spoofer / change Hardware. All of this is done through usermode. If you want to check if your spoofer, if you use one, also handles this check, you can write me a PM.  https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/1f642.png 

    If you want any more info on that, do your own research or message me as I don't know if I am allowed to link / share something like this right here. ^^


    I hope I could help some of you and give a little insight on why a RAID0 array is way better than using any kind of spoofer / constantly buying new Hardware.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask. 



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